Friday, March 6, 2009


I read an article named "Definging Our Own Sexual Liberation". In the article polyamory is described as a life long journey. One of the authors, Ingrid Rivera, states non-monogamous relationships break the mentality of "I own you". She describes polamorous relationships as negotiated and ethical non-monogamy. Revolutionstar Experience, an organization she and her partner started, teaches the process of shedding the societal contraints that govern how we live.

Does being in a monogamous relationship really carry an I own you mentality?

Is there a such thing as ethical non-monogamy?

Societal Contraints vs. Societal norms. Since when does the norm have to have a negative connotation.


  1. That is something I would like to know. Wonder how this same woman feels about parenting. Does calling someone your child mean you own them like property or that you have a commitment to love, encourage, and protect that person? Because that is what monogamy means to me. Because if relationships mean ownership multiple relationships mean ownership of multiple individuals.

  2. Caramel Goddess, I think you make a great point, "Because if relationships mean ownership multiple relationships mean ownership of multiple individuals." The polyamorous relationships have rules just as the monogamous relationships have rules. If it is the rules governing monogamy that poly's feel create an I own you mentality, why are the polyamorous rules different. Rules are rules.
